Monday, May 23, 2011

Tragedy Strike MidWest

A few weeks ago a violet storm pattern stuck the south. It destroyed lots of building and homes and even killed people. the sad part is these same type of storms stuck the midwest last night,.Joplin, MO is in total destroyed. my heart, thoughts and prayer go out to the survivors and the dead as well. As an old saying goes: What does not kill you, can only make you stronger. I pray that all will recover and the towns that were destroyed will rebuild and become an even better town.

Also over the weekend a guy predicted that he rapture was coming. This did not happen as a few people Expected. What everyone needs to know according to the Bible not even the Angles of God know when Jesus will return to Earth. That is totally left in God's Hands. What people need to do is live their lives in a good and righteous way. So, when Jesus does return he or she will be ready to be call unto heaven.

Thanks for reading, and go with Gods speed.....

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