Friday, May 20, 2011

A Better Day

Well today is a new day!  This seems to be a better day then the others have been. I am listening to the new Lady Gaga CD thanks to Farmville and Zynga. It is great so far. A few of the songs are not as good as the others but that is true to most Cd's. I have also been listening to Audio Books from my local Library and the R.E.A.D.S. program they offer. I am listening to the The Seventh Son: The Alvin Makers Series, Book 1 by Orson Scott Card.  It is a great book so far and I am hooked on it. I am walking around with headphones on listening to it. I bet people thinks I am crazy...To be honest I am a little crazy  LOL. Well, I hope today is a good day for every one else. May you go at Gods speed......

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