Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fair Well Ophra

Today we said goodbye to one of America’s most beloved television icons. We said goodbye to Ophra. I am sure many people will miss her and she will miss the show as well. Just keep in mind, she did not say goodbye. Also, remember what she said about being validated. Everyone needs to validate the people that you may care about.  This is just a new chapter in a new life. Always remember to follow your dreams because they are so important.  And as she said “I did this with Jesus”.  You must have god in your life to improve on the future.

Good luck and go with GODs speed……..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

Today I will start out with a friendship proverb:

"Life without a friend is like death without a witness."
- Spanish Proverb

Friendship is one of the most cherished aspect of life. Can you imagine going through life without a single friend. I do not know about anyone else but I love all my friends deeply. Without them I would be lost and even more lonely than I am already am. SO! I send out a challenge to every one that may read this blog. Call up your friends today and tell then how much you appreciate them and how thankful you are to have them in your life.

Go with Gods speed..........

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tragedy Strike MidWest

A few weeks ago a violet storm pattern stuck the south. It destroyed lots of building and homes and even killed people. the sad part is these same type of storms stuck the midwest last night,.Joplin, MO is in total destroyed. my heart, thoughts and prayer go out to the survivors and the dead as well. As an old saying goes: What does not kill you, can only make you stronger. I pray that all will recover and the towns that were destroyed will rebuild and become an even better town.

Also over the weekend a guy predicted that he rapture was coming. This did not happen as a few people Expected. What everyone needs to know according to the Bible not even the Angles of God know when Jesus will return to Earth. That is totally left in God's Hands. What people need to do is live their lives in a good and righteous way. So, when Jesus does return he or she will be ready to be call unto heaven.

Thanks for reading, and go with Gods speed.....

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Better Day

Well today is a new day!  This seems to be a better day then the others have been. I am listening to the new Lady Gaga CD thanks to Farmville and Zynga. It is great so far. A few of the songs are not as good as the others but that is true to most Cd's. I have also been listening to Audio Books from my local Library and the R.E.A.D.S. program they offer. I am listening to the The Seventh Son: The Alvin Makers Series, Book 1 by Orson Scott Card.  It is a great book so far and I am hooked on it. I am walking around with headphones on listening to it. I bet people thinks I am crazy...To be honest I am a little crazy  LOL. Well, I hope today is a good day for every one else. May you go at Gods speed......

Thursday, May 19, 2011

And life contiunes

Well, I have learn that you cannot trust anyone at all. I have found that does not matter how long you know someone they never tell you the truth. I advise to people is to not trust anyone about anything. because in the end, all they will ever do is hurt you. I try my best to be open and honest about things to everyone. what is so hard to expect that in return? Come on every one stop lying to friends and family.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello everyone! 

I am so glad to start this blog in to my life and adventures. I am Chris Osborne. I reside in Morristown, TN. I am 38 years old and for most part I enjoy life. I am currently a student at Strayer University in Knoxville, TN. I am majoring in Computer Science Information-Programming. I have a small dog named Phatso. he is a Yorkie/chow mix...Yes, he is a very unusual dog but he is adorable. I promise I will post pictures of him at a later date. I will also share pictures of my family as I talk about them throughout my blog. If you have questions please feel free to inquire or ask whatever that may cross your mind. I have nothing to hide and I will share almost anything with you if you ask. I hope to share my life and adventures with you. May God bless and have a great day......